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My Fantasy Place |
“My Fantasy Place” 應該是很富動感的一幅作品,因為那瀑布滂沱地傾瀉下來,而瀑布兩旁,又好像有很多白色的鳥正在向它翱翔。然而,當我看着這幅畫的時候,在我的心靈裏,卻又感到很寧靜。
這作品的尺寸並不算很大,但我卻花了數個月的時間來完成。那是因為,我為它思索了很久。瀑布和白鳥都早已畫好了,下方也是早已有一片紅。然而,我總是感覺還欠些甚麼, 總是感覺還差一點點才完滿。
不知道你會否也像我一樣,覺得眼前的這個環境,是你的 fantasy,也讓你的心靈感到寧靜安穩?我但願如此,因為我希望我的作品,可以與你的心靈對話。
“My Fantasy Place” should be quite dynamic
because of the flowing waterfall and flying birds. The water and the birds appear to be energetic.
However, I feel comfort and calm , instead of excited, in this painting.
Do you know the reason why I feel comfort? The answer is the river and flowers. They are
not at the centre of my painting, but they are very important.
At first, I almost finished the waterfall and
the birds. Then, I tried to make the painting more beautiful and spent a few
months to think about how to improve it.
I looked at it, and tried.
I looked at it again, and pondered.
In the end, after I painted some flowers and a
river, I finished “My Fantasy Place”
with a satisfied smile. In this little place, I could have a relaxing time, watching the waterfall and birds with a peaceful
heart. I could also listen to the sound
of the wind and the nature.
The river and the flowers became a quiet garden.
To me, they gave life to the flowing waterfall and flying birds.
I invite you to visit My
Fantasy Place and immerse in a soul-refreshing environment!