有孩子好喜歡繪畫他們喜愛的東西,例如Pokemon, 高達、恐龍、小狗等等。有孩子第一次來上課時,對繪畫這件事不太有經驗,但之後慢慢掌握到如何繪畫,又學懂如何清洗畫筆。有孩子與同學們一邊上課,一邊玩角色扮演。有孩子一直跟着工人姐姐接送哥哥來畫班,長大了便與哥哥一同來上課,成為哥哥的同學。然後,我看見兩兄弟互相提醒、彼此幫助。
I’m thinking of you all, my students! I think of your smiling faces and your imagination of creating stories. Your photos are on my desk so I can see you daily.
Creating stories together was our precious moments. You laughed happily when you heard the characters in your stories flying to the ceiling, transforming into a ball or scaring to death. When there was a birthday party in a story, I asked you the most favourite food. Unlike other children, one of you likes noodles instead of French fries or ice cream. I believe that your parents are good chefs.
Some of you like Pokemon so much. Some of you like dinosaurs, Gundam and puppies. Some of you were too little when you had your first painting lessons. But you quickly learnt how to paint and how to wash the brushes. You all were so brilliant! Some of you are brothers and were in the same class. I was so glad to see you both helped each other.
Sometimes I got angry when you were naughty. But now, deep in my heart, I only remember your lovely faces and happiness. I treasure the time having the painting lessons with you all. And I miss you all so much!